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Behavioral Consultation

At the 3E Center, we understand that every child is unique, with individual strengths and areas for growth. Our Behavioral Consultation Service is dedicated to supporting your child's behavioral development both at home and school. We are committed to creating a positive impact and enabling a brighter future for every child we work with.

Data-Driven Behavioral Plan that Works

As trained psychologists and special education professionals, we pride ourselves in offering an evidence-based approach to behavioral improvement.

Happy Twins

Comprehensive Assessment

This service begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your child's behavior, facilitated through a deep understanding of their experiences in both school and home environments. We engage in meaningful conversations with parents and teachers, and critically assess the child's unique circumstances, behaviors, and potential influencing factors.

Playing with Smartphones

Analysis and Formulation of Behavior Plan

Following the assessment phase, we develop a bespoke plan tailored to your child's specific needs. Our professional consultants create evidence-based, practical strategies to help improve your child's behavior. These strategies are not just targeted at immediate behavior modification but aim at fostering long-term behavioral changes and emotional development, enabling your child to thrive in any environment.

Teacher and Pupil

Plan Implementation & Progress Monitoring

We guide parents and school staff on how to implement the strategies outlined in the behavior plan. This includes offering coaching or training if needed, and ensuring everyone involved understands their roles in supporting the child.

As the plan is implemented, we closely monitor the child's progress, reviewing the effectiveness of the strategies, and making necessary adjustments to the plan based on the outcomes.

We often work with families who have children with...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)​

Difficulty with attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity that affects everyday functioning and learning.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Persistent patterns of angry, defiant, and argumentative behaviors.

Emotional Regulation Problems

Difficulty managing emotions, frequent emotional outbursts, or excessive anxiety.

Social Interaction Challenges

Problems with social skills, making friends, or maintaining relationships.

Lack of Motivation

Reduced interest or engagement in school or home activities.

Impulse Control Problems

Difficulty resisting urges, acting without thinking of the consequences.

Adjustment Difficulties

Struggles with transitions, changes in routines, or adapting to new environments.

And more...

Contact us and tell us about your child. We are here to listen.

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