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Psychoeducational Evaluation

  • Are you increasingly concerned about your child's academic performance?

  • Are their grades falling, or is homework becoming a monumental task even with your help?

  • Maybe you're receiving frequent calls about your child disrupting class, exhibiting aggressive behaviors, or refusing to engage in classwork.

  • You might be wondering why your child is facing difficulty making friends or isn't performing as well as they should at school, even though they seem capable of doing the work.

  • It's possible that your child is intelligent and hardworking, but something just isn’t falling into place.

  • Perhaps you're even suspecting that their school environment might not be serving them well.



Learning Pod
Shy Child

Psychoeducational Assessment: A Pathway to Clarity and Insight. 

A psychoeducational assessment can provide the support you and your child need. It offers more than just an understanding of their academic capabilities; it also safeguards their mental and physical well-being.


For many children with learning difficulties, behaviors in the classroom might be misinterpreted as defiance or indiscipline. A psychoeducational evaluation can bring clarity to these situations, helping to discern whether the child has the capability to complete the work or if their behavior stems from an unwillingness or lack of motivation. The evaluation can decode their behavior, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and guide what tools they need for success in and outside the classroom.


In a safe and confidential environment, your child will undergo a series of assessments designed to uncover a wide range of issues. Cognitive and academic evaluations will reveal your child’s learning abilities and academic skills. Simultaneously, emotional and behavioral evaluations will provide insights into your child's mental health. Each evaluation is tailored to answer your questions about your child’s learning and behavior.


The insights obtained from the psychoeducational evaluations will help you set appropriate expectations and goals for your child. As your child starts to understand their learning capabilities, their confidence, self-acceptance, and interest in learning can increase, leading to improvements in their overall school performance. Consequently, your home environment can become more peaceful, and your relationship with your child can deepen.


The most common findings a psychoeducational evaluation can reveal:

  • Learning Disabilities: These include issues like dyslexia (difficulty with reading and language-based processing skills), dyscalculia (difficulty with arithmetic and solving math problems), and dysgraphia (difficulty with handwriting).


  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Symptoms include difficulty paying attention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness which can affect a child's performance in school.


  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): This is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. It can impact social skills and learning, often requiring specialized teaching methods.


  • Intellectual Disability: Children with intellectual disabilities learn and develop more slowly than other children. It can affect learning, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive processes.


  • Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: This includes disorders like oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD), and more severe conditions like bipolar disorder. These can greatly impact a child's behavior and performance in school.


  • Giftedness: A psychoeducational assessment can identify children who are gifted, meaning they have above-average intelligence or abilities in one or more areas. These children often need different educational programs to keep them challenged and engaged.


  • Processing Deficits: This refers to difficulties in cognitive processes such as auditory or visual processing, working memory, or executive functioning. These can lead to struggles with various academic tasks.


  • Anxiety and Mood Disorders: These can impact a child's ability to perform in school and maintain relationships. Examples include generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and bipolar disorder.


  • Speech and Language Disorders: These include difficulties with articulation, language fluency, and voice regulation, which can affect a child's communication skills and academic performance.​

Our Differences

We use existing tests to save time and cost

If you or your child's school has already conducted certain tests, we make use of those results to avoid redundancy and to save you time and reduce the cost of evaluation.


Actionable Recommendations

Our team also includes experienced teachers who understand the practicalities of the classroom. This allows us to make recommendations that are not only theoretically sound but are feasible to implement in a real classroom setting.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Unlike most evaluations which are conducted solely by psychologists, our assessments involve a multidisciplinary team of professionals. This approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation that takes into account all aspects of your child's development, ensuring nothing is missed.

School Communication Support

Our service doesn't stop after the evaluation is done. We guide and support you in establishing and implementing the recommended plan in school, ensuring that the insights gained from the evaluation lead to practical, positive changes.

Virtual Testing Available

To further save you time and reduce the inconvenience of multiple office visits, we conduct most evaluations virtually when possible, without compromising the quality or comprehensiveness of our assessment.

Easy-to-Understand Reports

Our reports are designed to be parent-friendly and insightful, providing you with a clear understanding of your child's unique learning style and the strategies that would be most effective in supporting their learning.

Post-Evaluation Support

If your child receives a diagnosis, we don't just leave you to navigate the next steps on your own. We work closely with you to explore if and how to share the results with your child, discussing the pros and cons of different approaches.

Continued Care: Our Commitment to Long-Term Support

We understand that children grow and change, and that an education plan may need to be adjusted over time to continually meet their evolving needs.

Therefore, we offer continuous support and follow-up in the following years after the initial evaluation. Our team stays engaged, monitoring your child's progress and working with you and the school to make any necessary adjustments to the educational plan.

This ongoing commitment ensures that your child's learning strategies remain effective and relevant, fostering their continuous growth and achievement.

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