Gifted Evaluation and Consultation
As parents, it's sometimes apparent that a child might be demonstrating advanced abilities or showing characteristics of a gifted child. It can lead to many follow-up questions and concerns, particularly around the process of gifted identification.
What is Gifted Testing?
Gifted testing aims to determine if a child is intellectually gifted. It's often sought by parents looking to secure their child's entry into gifted programs or services.
The two main categories of gifted identification are achievement tests and abilities tests.
Achievement Tests
Achievement tests gauge a child's knowledge in a specific subject area. They may be group-administered, such as the SAT and ACT, or individually administered by a trained professional, like the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement. These tests can screen students for specific areas of academic strength and are often part of a larger gifted assessment process.
Abilities Tests
Abilities tests assess a child's cognitive abilities or Intelligence Quotient (IQ). These tests provide a numerical score, as well as a detailed understanding of the child's learning profile. They are conducted by a trained professional and can offer a profound insight into a child's cognitive abilities.
Gifted Consultation
Understanding, navigating, and leveraging the intellectual capabilities of gifted children can be a complex task, not just for the children themselves, but for parents and educators as well.
Our service begins with an optional assessment that uses both achievement and abilities tests to accurately determine the child's cognitive profile. This evaluation is the first step in identifying the unique educational needs of a gifted child.
We work hand-in-hand with parents and educators to design an educational plan that is tailored specifically to the child’s intellectual abilities, emotional needs, and personal interests. This plan is not only aimed at ensuring academic excellence but also at fostering a healthy social and emotional environment for the child.
Our team consists of education professionals, psychologists, and teachers who are experienced in working with gifted children. They provide practical, actionable strategies to address the unique challenges that gifted children often face in school, which can include:
Under-stimulation: Gifted children often find the standard curriculum unchallenging, leading to boredom and a lack of engagement.
Asynchronous development: Gifted children can experience uneven development across different areas, such as excelling academically while struggling with social or emotional skills.
Social issues: Being intellectually advanced can sometimes make it hard for gifted children to relate to their peers, leading to feelings of isolation or misunderstanding.
Pressure and perfectionism: Gifted children can often place high expectations on themselves or may feel pressure from others to always excel.
Misidentification: Sometimes, gifted children’s behaviors may be misinterpreted as behavioral issues. We help educators and parents understand these children’s needs and behaviors better.
Our services do not stop after the consultation. We regularly follow up with parents and educators, fine-tuning the strategies and plans according to the child's ongoing needs and growth.
Moreover, we guide parents and educators on important aspects such as discussing gifted status with the child, understanding the social and emotional implications of being gifted, and finding suitable academic and extracurricular enrichment opportunities.
Our ultimate goal is to help gifted children thrive, not just academically, but emotionally and socially as well, thereby empowering them to make the most of their exceptional abilities.