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Female Student

Voice Amplifier
Immigrant Youth Leadership Academy




同样,科技行业也在与"竹子天花板 Bamboo Ceiling"现象斗争,这个隐形的屏障阻碍了许多亚裔在工作上的发展。我们往往感到被迫去服从,保持低调,以及避免表达独特或不同的观点。





  • ​课程网上进行
  • 超小班授课
  • 每班8位学生
  • 暑期班名额有限,仅有16人
  • 请关注我们秋季的课程时间
In Class


我们九月份的课程会有专门为有学习障碍或其他特殊能力的孩子开设的专门班,如果你的孩子有需要,请跟我们联系。3E Center是一个欢迎所有孩子的地方!


Our Vision 我们的使命

我们的课程,故事扩音器,旨在赋权这些年轻的头脑。我们渴望帮助他们找到自己的声音,分享他们的故事,并成为他们社区的领导者。我们不希望他们说,“即使我是移民家庭的孩子,我也成功了。“ 而是要说,”我的移民家庭背景造就了我的成功。“



Our program, the Voice Amplifier, aims to empower these young minds. We aspire to help them find their voices, share their stories, and become leaders in their communities, not despite their immigrant backgrounds, but because of them.

The Voice Amplifier is more than a conventional leadership and communication program. Yes, it provides a platform for developing public speaking and leadership skills, but our journey extends beyond that. This program guides students towards self-discovery, assisting them in uncovering their passions and life's purpose. We're about unleashing their potential and showing them that they can make a difference.

New Roots, New Shoots: 
The Unfolding Stories of Immigrant Youths


Every voice amplified, every story told, deserves to be heard. That's why at the culmination of the program, the most compelling and impactful of the students' writings will be selected to be compiled into a book that will be published, sharing their unique stories with the world.

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应要求,Shirley Vasquez博士可以为孩子写推荐信,强调学生在项目期间的领导技能和成长。





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Dr. Shirley Vazquez

Instructor and Chief Editor


Dr. Hui Shi Jiang

Curriculum & Assessment Advisor

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Maddy Huang

Instructional Facilitator

Mountainous Landscape



Leadership Skills

1.1 Decision Making: The ability to make informed, effective, and timely decisions.

1.2 Vision and Strategy: The capacity to establish a clear vision, set goals, and develop strategies for achieving those goals.

1.3 Team Building: The ability to assemble and maintain effective teams, and resolve conflicts.

1.4 Adaptability: The ability to adjust to changing circumstances and respond effectively to new situations.

1.5 Emotional Intelligence: The capacity to understand and manage personal emotions and those of the team.

Communication Skills

2.1 Listening: The ability to effectively receive and understand messages during communication.

2.2 Clarity: The ability to convey messages in a clear and understandable manner.

2.3 Non-Verbal Communication: The ability to use body language, gestures, and facial expressions to convey information.

2.4 Empathy: The ability to understand others' feelings, perspectives, and points of view.

2.5 Assertiveness: The ability to express oneself and one's rights without violating the rights of others.

Self-Discovery & Personal Development Skills

3.1 Self-Reflection & Understanding Personal History: The capacity to look inward and analyze one's thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and motivations. The ability to understand and articulate one's life journey, including past experiences, cultural background, and the impact these have had on one's identity.

3.2 Strengths and Weaknesses: The ability to identify personal strengths and weaknesses, and understand how they influence one's actions and decisions.

3.3 Goals and Aspirations: The ability to articulate personal goals, dreams, and aspirations, and understand how these align with one's values and identity.

3.4 Values and Beliefs: The capacity to identify and articulate personal values and beliefs, and understand how these shape one's behavior and decision-making.

3.5 Coping Mechanisms and Resilience: The ability to identify and employ healthy coping mechanisms in response to stress or adversity.

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